Why You Shouldn’t #$$% It Up Yourself And Save

I have this conversation at least several times a year with potential clients and it makes me want to pound my head against the wall. It goes something like this:

Me “I can build your website and handle all of your social media (and help you choose what’s right for you) all for a low monthly payment.”

Them: “I can do it all myself (or get an intern to do it).”

Me: “Installing Word Press can be tricky; I use a professional who works with me because even though I can code in HTML the install can be very fussy depending on the server (host) and theme that you choose plus whatever widgets and third party plug-ins you may want. And interns (and I have had many) are usually worth what you pay them.”

The folks that don’t listen or aren’t willing to spend any monies on their web presence? I see things like this posted on their Facebook:

“Switched my websites to a new server, and now, I have NO websites….The hosting company doesn’t answer the phones on the weekend…so I have no one to call and ask what the hell happened….and when I “view” the pages in the new “dashboard” they are all just lines of HTML all slammed together…”

I can teach you how to work on your site once it is professionally installed and has a functioning dashboard but please spend the money to have your site properly set up. I understand that you want to have control and be able to edit your site but that has nothing to do with the initial set up and install of your site (or even a major redesign).

You may change the oil in your own car but very few of us can rebuild the engine.


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