Which Social Media Platform Is Right For My Business

And Why You Need It

There is a plethora of social media platforms out on the intertubes and how in the world do you choose which one(s) are right for you? Each of the following platforms are complex and deserve their own blog post on their usage (which will be coming soon to this site). But here is a brief overview:


  • Facebook is the most popular social media platform
  • 19 billion worldwide users with 665 million active users each day,
  • 73% of the US adult population
  • The most evenly-distributed demographics of any platform

There are currently 3 ways to promote your business on FaceBook:



  • 18% of the US adult population
  • estimated 215 million active users
  • However, those who do use Twitter use it more frequently than other platforms, with 46% logging in on a daily basis.


• Instagram has 17% of US adults on the site.
• Interestingly with Instagram, though it’s the fifth-most-popular social media platform, it has the second-most devoted users.
• Instagram is the only platform that is actually skewed towards blacks and Hispanics
• 57% of users access the site on a daily basis, only 6 points behind Facebook, and 11% ahead of third-place Twitter.

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