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I am obsessed with online marketing. If you’re not online you don’t exist. There are many social media platforms out on the intertubes and how in the world do you choose which one(s) are right for you? I can help you pick the social media that’s right for you and your company.

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From the Blog...

  • Why You Shouldn’t #$$% It Up Yourself And Save

    I have this conversation at least several times a year with potential clients and it makes me want to pound my head against the wall. It goes something like this: Me “I can build your website and handle all of your social media (and help you choose what’s right for you) all for a low monthly payment.” Them: “I can do it all myself (or get an intern to do it).” Me: “Installing Word Press can be tricky; I use a professional who works with me because even though I can code in HTML the install can be very fussy depending on the...
  • Which Social Media Platform Is Right For My Business

    And Why You Need It There is a plethora of social media platforms out on the intertubes and how in the world do you choose which one(s) are right for you? Each of the following platforms are complex and deserve their own blog post on their usage (which will be coming soon to this site). But here is a brief overview: Facebook Facebook is the most popular social media platform 19 billion worldwide users with 665 million active users each day, 73% of the US adult population The most evenly-distributed demographics of any platform There are currently 3 ways to promote your business...